Midwinter 2022 – Update

  • Entry registration for the 2022 competition will open on January 15th. People can set up their accounts now on the registration site but they must return on January 15th to register their entries.
  • We will be using the same score sheet format that we used last year with a few enhancements. It is designed to provide the same type of feedback as the standard BJCP scoresheet but it does it in a more condensed format. It will also be captured on an electronic device so no messy handwriting issues. One of the motivating factors behind this change is an attempt to reduce the chance of virus transmission as a result of paper exchange. Please familiarize yourself with this change before submitting entries.
  • Score Sheet Example DOWNLOAD
  • The majority of judging is scheduled to take place on February 18th & 19th, 2022. We will make every effort to conduct the judging as safely and efficiently as possible. No results will be made public until all judging has been completed, but we will be providing updates on the site as to the progress we’re making. Awards will be mailed out within a week of judging completion.
  • The competition will be limited to 500 entries. As in years past we will be judging to the BJCP 2015 guidelines and we will make every effort to have all entries judged by at least 2 BJCP Beer, Mead, or Cider Judges, Professional Brewers, Professional Mead Makers, or Professional Cider Makers.
  • We will again be requesting 3 bottles per an entry in 2022. Should only 2 bottles be supplied or survive shipping then that entry will not be judged at best of show should the entry make it to that level.
  • The drop off and ship to locations for the competition have been confirmed. Please be sure to verify the deadline date and time for the drop off location you plan to use. There is a specific time and date listed for each site and most deadlines are at least a week before the February 4th registration and shipping deadline. Unfortunately this year we are unable to arrange transportation from our regular MN and Northern IL locations.
  • We have confirmed that we will still be a part of the Midwest Homebrewer of the Year circuit, American Mead Makers Association’s National Mead Maker of the Year award circuit, and the Master Championship of Amature Brewing circuit.
  • We are very happy to announce the return of the professional ramp ups and a pro am qualifier affiliated with the competition. Please see the Awards section on the registration site for details regarding the Brewmaster’s, Mead Maker’s, and Cider Maker’s Choice awards.

That’s it for now. We’ll post additional updates as things develop.

Prosit, Sláinte, Salute, Na Zdravi, Cheers! – Bruce Buerger
Coordinator – Midwinter Homebrew Competition

2021 Results and Score Sheets Now Posted

The results for the 2021 competition have now been posted and are available at the competition web site – https://midwinterhbc.com/competition/

Scores and score sheets for your entries are also available on the website as well. Simply log in and click on the My Info and Entries link to see the numerical scores. If you don’t remember your password there is a Password Reset link that you can use to gain access. 

To access the score sheets simply log in and click on the My Info and Entries link. To the right of your scores you should see a gavel or hammer icon. Click on that and the document will download or open. Note you will need some sort of Acrobat Reader installed to see the sheets. Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure we’re not going to keep them out there for download for forever so please get them before we turn the site over in 300 days or so for the next competition. 

This is our first year doing the electronic score sheet thing so if you see something that you have questions about please feel free to contact us by replying to the email address for this email. We have found a few situations after the competition where the slider bars did not save. We apologize for this and are putting in some additional safeties to help prevent this for next year. 

Some interesting factoids about the 2021 competition:

  • We received a total of 396 entries this year, 103 which were meads and 17 which were ciders
  • Entries came from AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, ON, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, WA, WI, and WY.
  • All judging was performed by 3 Grand Master, 6 National, 10 Certified, and 1 Recognized Judges from all over Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, and Minnesota. 
  • To maintain quality judges judged maintained an average of 7 entries per a sitting.  At no time did a set of judges judge more than 8 entries per a session.
  • All entries were judged by at least two BJCP judges with at least one of them having a rank of Certified or higher.
  • All Mead entries were judged by one of 14 Certified Mead Judges or Professional Mead Makers.
  • All Cider entries were judged by one of 6 Certified Cider Judges.
  • All category mini Best of Show sessions were conducted with a pair of BJCP judges, each of which had a rank of National or higher. 
  • The Beer, Mead, and Cider Best of Shows were all judged with panels comprised of National, Grand Master, Mead, or Cider BJCP judges.

On behalf of the Midwinter Home Brew Competition organizing committee I would like to thank you all for participating in this year’s competition. COVID threw us some huge challenges this year with logistics, staffing, and judging. Words cannot express our appreciation enough to everyone. A huge thank you also to Northern Brewer, Revere’s Wells Street Tavern, all of the out of town judges that came in to help us out, and all of the local judges and volunteers. Hope to see you all back in 2022!

Prosit, Sláinte, Salute, Na Zdravi, Cheers! – Bruce Buerger
Coordinator – Midwinter Homebrew Competition

2021 Competition Update – Revised February 20, 2021

Judging is now complete. We’re in the process now of getting the score sheets PDF’ed and migrating the score data into the system. We should everything out by Sunday evening. We’ll post updates and send out emails when everything is posted.

  • We will be using a short form score sheet this year. It is designed to provide the same type of feedback as the standard BJCP scoresheet but it does it in a more condensed format. It will also be captured on an electronic device so no messy handwriting issues. One of the motivating factors behind this change is an attempt to reduce the chance of virus transmission as a result of paper exchange. Please familiarize yourself with this change before submitting entries.
  • The competition is scheduled to take place on February 19th & 20th, 2021 however we will not be guaranteeing that all entries will be judged that weekend. At this point we just don’t know how many judges we will be able to recruit, nor do we know if any of our dependent vendors or facilities will be subject to a shut down. We will make every effort to conduct the judging as safely and efficiently as possible. No results will be made public until all judging has been completed, but we will be providing updates on the site as to the progress we’re making.
  • We are currently operating under the assumption that the competition will be open to all categories of beer, mead, and cider, however entries will be capped initially at 400. We will consider increasing the cap to 450 depending on additional judge commitments.
  • This year we will be using a new scoresheet that communicates the same information found on the standard BJCP scoresheet, but is easier for judges to complete and requires less interaction with stewards and office staff. We will post a draft of the sheet format prior to registration opening.
  • We will be requesting 3 bottles per an entry in 2021. Should only 2 bottles be supplied or survive shipping then that entry will not be judged at best of show should the entry make it to that level.
  • The shipping window will probably be 2 weeks this year vs. our usual 4 weeks so have your entries ready to go and don’t procrastinate getting them shipped.
  • The drop off and ship to locations for the competition have been confirmed. Please be sure to verify the deadline date and time for the drop off location you plan to use. There is a specific time and date listed for each site and most deadlines are at least a week before the February 6th registration and shipping deadline. Unfortunately this year we are unable to arrange transportation from our regular MN locations.
  • We have confirmed that we will still be a part of the American Mead Makers Association’s National Mead Maker of the Year award circuit as well as the Master Championship of Amataure Brewing circuit. Plans are still forming for those two circuits, but we know that we will be a part of them. At this time we are not sure where the Midwest Homebrewer of the Year Circuit is at with their plans.
  • Given the lower entry cap as well as the workplace challenges that Covid-19 presents we will not be pursuing the Brewmaster’s, Meadmaker’s, or Cider Maker’s Choice awards in 2021.

That’s it for now. We’ll post additional updates as things develop.

Prosit, Sláinte, Salute, Na Zdravi, Cheers! – Bruce Buerger
Coordinator – Midwinter Homebrew Competition

2020 Results (and Score Sheets) Are Now Posted!

The results and score sheets for the 2020 competition have now been posted and are available at the competition web site – https://midwinterhbc.com/competition/

The score sheets are accessible at the same place where you access you scores earlier. Simply log in and click on the My Info and Entries link. To the right of your scores you should see a gavel or hammer icon. Click on that and the document will download or open. Note you will need some sort of Acrobat Reader installed to see the sheets. Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure we’re not going to keep them out there for download for forever so please get them before we turn the site over in 300 days or so for the next competition. 

This is our first year doing the scanning thing so if you see something that you have questions about please first check out our FAQ page and then reach out to us via our Contact page should you still have questions. If you don’t remember your password there is a Password Reset link that you can use to gain access. 

Medals and awards will be mailed out later in the week. We found out recently that USPS changed their procedures recently so chances are they’re go out towards the end of the week. 

Some interesting factoids about the 2020 competition:

  • We received a total of 820 entries this year, 246 which were meads and 28 which were ciders.
  • Entries came from AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NY, NV, OH, OK, SK, PA, SD, TN, TX, WA, WI, and WY.
  • All judging was performed by 5 Grand Master, 21 National, 26 Certified, and 6 Recognized Judges from all over Wisconsin, the Midwest, and Arizona. 
  • To maintain quality judges judged maintained an average of 6.2 entries per a sitting.  At no time did a set of judges judge more than 8 entries per a session.
  • All entries were judged by at least two BJCP judges with at least one of them having a rank of Certified or higher.
  • All Mead entries were judged by one of 24 Certified Mead Judges or Professional Mead Makers.
  • All Cider entries were judged by one of 24 Certified Mead Judges or 6 Cider Judges.
  • All category mini Best of Show sessions were conducted with a pair of BJCP judges with at least one BJCP judge with a rank of National or higher. 
  • The Beer, Mead, and Cider Best of Shows were all judged with panels comprised of National, Grand Master, Mead, or Cider BJCP judges.

On behalf of the Midwinter Home Brew Competition organizing committee I would like to thank you all for participating in this year’s competition. A huge thank you also to Milwaukee Brewing Company, Moonlight Meadery, White Winter Meadery and Cider House, Northern Brewer, Revere’s Wells Street Tavern, Beechwood Distributors, Discount Liquor, Craft Meister, all of the out of town judges that came in to help us out, and all of the local judges and volunteers. Hope to see you all back in 2021!

Prosit, Sláinte, Salute, Na Zdravi, Cheers! – Bruce Buerger
Coordinator – Midwinter Homebrew Competition

Registration Now Open!

Registration is now open! Please take note of all drop off location deadlines:

Drop Off LocationEntrant Drop Off DeadlineNotes
The Cellar – Oshkosh, WIWednesday, January 22nd 
The Thirsty Pagan Brewing Co. – Superior, WIWednesday, January 22nd 
Summit Brewing Company – St. Paul, MNFriday, January 24th & Saturday, January 25th* During Mashout competition only.
Northern Brewer – St. Paul, MNFriday, January 24th 
Wine & Hop Shop – Madison, WISaturday, January 25th 
Perfect Brewing Supply – Libertyville, ILFriday, January 24th 
Hop To It – Racine, WIFriday, January 24th 
Farmhouse Brewing Supply – Janesville, WIFriday, January 24th 
The Purple Foot – Milwaukee, WIFriday, January 24th 
Northern Brewer – Milwaukee, WISaturday, January 25th ** Also Ship to Location

Best of luck to all that enter!

2020 Competition Planning Underway

Well it’s been underway for quite some time, we’re just starting the process of announcing things.

First we’d like to start off by announcing the return of Moonlight Meadery as the sponsor of our Mead Maker’s Choice Award. They will choose one Mead (BJCP categories M1, M2, M3, M4B & M4C) to qualify for their 2020 Pro Am Competition. https://www.moonlightmeadery.com/

We’d also like to announce the return of White Winter as the sponsors of our Cider Maker’s Choice Award. One cider entry (BJCP categories C1 & C2) will be selected to made at the White Winter Winery. https://whitewinter.com/

That’s it for now. Stay tuned for further updates regarding our Brewers Choice Award, a new beer and food pairing event for volunteers and the public, and the addition national level circuit qualifier!

2019 Results are posted!

Thanks to all our entrants, judges, and stewards! The beverages have been judged and the winners have been declared. Check out the results on the competition page.

Scores for your entries are also available on the competition website as well.  Simply log in and click on the My Info and Entries link to see the numerical scores.  If you don’t remember your password there is a Password Reset link that you can use to gain access. 

Some interesting factoids about the 2018 competition:

  • We received a total of 663 entries this year, 76 which were meads and 33 which were ciders.
  • Entries came from AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, GA, HI, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MI, MN, MO, NC, NE, NJ, OH, OK, PA, SD, TN, TX, VA, WA, WI, WV, WY, and Germany.
  • All judging was performed by 1 Grand Master, 1 Master, 15 National, 48 Certified, and 6 Recognized Judges from all over Wisconsin, the Midwest, and Arizona. 
  • To maintain quality judges judged maintained an average of 5.5 entries per a sitting.  At no time did a set of judges judge more than 7 entries per a session.
  • All entries were judged by at least two BJCP judges with at least one of them having a rank of Certified or higher.
  • All Mead entries were judged by one of 15 Certified Mead Judges.
  • All Cider entries were judged by one of 15 Certified Mead Judges or Judges with Cider Sensory Training.
  • All category mini Best of Show sessions were conducted with a pair of BJCP judges with at least one BJCP judge with a rank of National or higher. 
  • The Beer, Mead, and Cider Best of Shows were all judged with panels comprised of National, Master, or Grand Master BJCP judges.

Score sheets and awards will be mailed out early this week.  On behalf of the Midwinter Home Brew Competition organizing committee, I would like to thank you all for participating in this year’s competition.  A huge thank you also to all of our ramp up partners and sponsors. Hope to see you all back in 2020!

Prosit, Sláinte, Salute, Na Zdravi, Cheers!

Bruce Buerger
Coordinator – Midwinter Homebrew Competition

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